Balsam Fir

16.04 69.19 

100% pure and natural essential oil

Botanical name : Abies balsamea

Origin : Canada

Olfactory : The conifers of the boreal forest, fresh and invigorating, smell of resin, woody.

Formats : 10 ml – 30 ml – 100 ml and 2ml

Uses and important precautions : see below


Family: Pinaceae
Main constituents: Monoterpenes including beta-pinene (29.52%)
Part: Needles
Extraction : Complete steam distillation

Native Americans of Canada initiated the French colonists to the multiple uses of the balsam fir tree gum or sap: as a remedy against influenza, scurvy, cuts and burns.

Today, balsam fir tree gum or sap is mainly to use to treat infections of the respiratory tracts and to relieve rheumatic and neuralgic pains.

Use :•Inhalation. Use a diffuser, a spray or put 30 drops of essential oil in a water bowl full of very hot water and breathe in the vapours, the head covered with a large towel. Repeat inhalations several times per day.
•Bath. Dilute 30 drops (1 ml) of essential oil in a little liquid soap and to mix this preparation with the bath water.

For all essential oils:

Essential Oils must be used with great caution and are generally not recommended for hypersensitive people, epileptics, asthmatics, pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under 6 and animals.

—Essential oils are used in small quantities, with caution and generally over short periods of time.

—For diffusions: The diffusers are often using water. Be moderate in the use of essential oils and favor short diffusion times.

Never heat the essential oil you are using, otherwise its molecular structure may be altered.

—In application on the skin: 24 hours before the first use practice a skin test in the fold of the elbow to check a possible allergy.

Oils are not miscible in water—always use an oily base for topical application, especially if you have sensitive skin. For example, in vegetable oil applied to the skin (avoid mucous membranes, which are more sensitive), in shower gel or shampoo, in honey for herbal teas, in plant oils for day creams, etc. Many essential oils are more effective diluted than pure.

—Keep out of reach of children and animals, ideally in a dark, cool and dry place.

—Wash your hands before and after using essential oil.

—In case of ingestion of a small dose ingest vegetable oils (e.g. olive oil, coconut oil) and consult if necessary. For a large dose: seek advice from an emergency doctor or a poison control center.

—Essential oils are sometimes used in cooking, check their conditions of application with people specialized in the field.

—Some essential oils are photosensitive and when applied to the skin one needs to avoid exposure to the sun.

—If there is a contact with the eyes, add immediately some soft vegetable oil (not water) to clean the eye and consult. If the contact is inside the ear canal, consult.

—Although some essential oils have a very long shelf life it’s generally recommended to use an essential oil within a one-year period. This is different for citrus oils as they can go rancid in a shorter period of time. Buy smaller amounts citrus oils and renew them frequently.


Additional information:

For quantities above 500 ml, please contact us by email at:

The use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes is a good alternative when well informed but does not replace diagnosis and medical treatment. It is recommended to seek the advice, diagnosis and recommended treatment of a competent health professional before use, especially for sensitive individuals, pregnant women, children and animals.

The data on this site is representative of common empirical data for use in daily life. The references on our essential oils have been selected with care as to offer simple actionable information through examination of the most recognized information available. More information is available upon request.


Additional information


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