These kinds of emotions bring, as do anger and resentment, a great expense of energy. The whole digestion system is disturbed by these states of mind. Indeed, spleen, stomach and…
Humanity, although some individuals tend to improve, is tempted to respond to fire by fire. Eye for eye-tooth for tooth is sometimes applied. And this to answer, although negatively to…
Anger is a secondary emotion due to frustration, a lack, a physical or a psychic injury. This emotion creates major physical changes: increase in heart rate, accelerated breathing, skin becomes…
Fear is an emotion we feel for a present or potential danger, and is created by a mix of emotions: joy, sadness, anger. Fear makes for fleeing, hiding, running away…
Stress is like anger. Well used and well managed, it can be constructive and have its usefulness, like reacting to an urgent situation. But if cortisol, a hormone secreted by…
In traditional Innu families, dreams have a great importance. Certain dreams when a person feels the symbols and ones’ feelings towards them merit to be examined, may contain signs that…
For non-natives or tourists it’s a shock often mentioned when visiting aboriginal communities, that ancestral practices are not seen either on the spiritual level or in terms of clothing or…