In traditional Innu families, dreams have a great importance. Certain dreams when a person feels the symbols and ones’ feelings towards them merit to be examined, may contain signs that…
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In traditional Innu families, dreams have a great importance. Certain dreams when a person feels the symbols and ones’ feelings towards them merit to be examined, may contain signs that…
For non-natives or tourists it’s a shock often mentioned when visiting aboriginal communities, that ancestral practices are not seen either on the spiritual level or in terms of clothing or…
L’aromathérapie (étymologie : latin « aroma », grec « ἄρωμα – arôma » = arôme, aromate; grec « θεραπεία – therapeia » = soin, cure is the medical use of essential oils and plant extracts. Essential oils…
Bath salts made of Chiiyaam essences, the music of Blue Eagle’s Spirit Songs album, a warm bath which fills, is enough to bring you somewhere else, where it feels good……